Red Ocean: Review

Interestingly, dear readers, what thoughts will get into your head, you get a blank, in the form of one cd carrier, with a new “revolutionary” shooter recorded on it, the installation distribution of which, moreover, does not exceed 700 Mb? Probably the same as mine. Actually: is everything all right with the developers and how can you fit a quality product in such a meager disk space, according to the assurances of the PR department of developers? Of course, the experience of people’s craftsmen proved that a couple of levels of action with advanced graphics, with perfect directness of the hands, will be appropriate for ordinary disite. The only requirement is a sufficiently powerful computer. However, in the case of Red Ocean – The hero of this article – the recommended system configuration is clearly not suitable for the definition of “powerful”. It turns out, they are deceiving somewhere.

And they deceive here literally in everything. The plot, which was submitted at the stage of creating a project, almost a real revelation, turned out to be an average cranberry about terrorists who occupied the abandoned underwater base of the USSR, and a single war, a born savior of mankind. Former member of the special forces Jack Hard headed into peaceful life. Seeking harmony in his soul, he opened a small diving school in which he taught all those who wish to swim at sea depths. And one fine day a stranger named Hammerson addressed Jack. The new client asked the instructor to take him to the right place and to plunge to the bottom there. Surprised by such an unexpected wish, our hero still agreed to help. However, everything turned out to be not so simple. In Jack’s boat there was a conspiratorial agent of the FBI, trying to penetrate the lair of terrorists. Under the water, Jack managed to find a mysterious gateway – at that very moment his walkie -talkie was filled with a dying wheezing of Hammerson. The path back was cut off. And here, as well as possible, the door of the camera.

Unfortunately scriptwriters Collision Studios The similarity of the local story with the script Far Cry You can see with the naked eye. Even the names of the protagonists – and they coincide. On the other hand, the German blockbuster had a breakthrough schedule at that time, high -quality artificial intelligence and extensive gaming spaces. U Red Ocean this is not at all. Here you will have to wanders along monotonous corridors and rooms, dealing with tons of script “meat”. Surprisingly, the main “feature” of Title – water – is extremely rare in the game. Most of the surroundings of the enemy base, as already mentioned, are man -made buildings. Several times in the campaign the Glavherero will urinate the legs in underwater caves – and all. But how much noise was.

If not for the weak AI, Red Ocean it was possible to boldly reckon to unbearably complex shooters. It’s all about the constant shortage of first -aid kits and ammunition. Therefore, you have to hardly save the existing good – to scour the level in search of lost freebies and recount the cartridges clamped in a sweaty palm.
It is quite simple to exterminate the world evil – any enemy has enough single hit. Another thing is that there are a huge number of adversaries in the game, and they rarely move alone. On the battlefield, opponents appear in the image of unheard of newcomers, not seasoned mercenaries. The poor people are not familiar with such techniques as rolling and banal tablef. Enjoyment to the process of shooting silicon blanks add widespread barrels with explosive substance inside. A couple of shots in the “vessel” – hot meat with home delivery. Some variety in the gameplay brings fights with bosses. Despite the fact that they suffer from impassable stupidity and mania to use grated cliches, fighting with them is very interesting. Especially against the submarine.

Represented in Red Ocean Assortment of weapons “amazes” the imagination. Several knives, two pistols, shotgun, a couple of assault rifles and the same number of futuristic guns – that’s the whole gentleman’s set. Oh yes, there are still grenades that can be thrown as much as fifteen meters ahead. Here is Jack – Athlet -Discolon.
SCI-Fi trunks act as a panacea from hopeless situations. When it becomes hard in the soul, and the enemies rod from all the cracks – a couple of volleys from the uncomplicated description of the colossus will greatly cheer up. Alternative shooting mode is hanged on the right mouse key. Simply put – the target shooting mode: an imitation of a small zoom arises, the hero is less mobile, but it is able to conduct a more accurate fire.

And yet at Red Ocean There are light sides. For example, the duration of the game, which has a total of about six hours. And this, if you re -read all the above again, is an undoubted plus. After the seal ended, the Collision Studios Creation will have to be abandoned on the shelf: the multiplayer does not smell like a multiplayer. Exactly how it does not smell and by any means of movement, which you can now meet in almost every FPS. Apparently, the professional development of Igrodelov stalled at the mid -nineties level, when such things really were a curiosity.

The only point that does not cause nausea attacks is graphics. A video row Red Ocean Completed quite worthy. BUMP -Mapping, advanced lighting effects, shiny textures – the picture is very reminiscent of Doom 3. Only now with the creation of Id Software to compete. With a more detailed examination, the textures turn into a vague mess, and everything looks decent from afar. What you really can’t hold on is the explosions – bright, colorful and impressive. Perhaps it is better to keep silent about physics, otherwise the old man Newton is tortured in his coffin.

The voice acting of the characters is made mediocre. And was it worth expecting something else from a project of this level. In addition, phrases pronounced by terrorists are repeatedly repeated and the end of passage is guessed, as they say, from the first chords. The sounds of shooting and explosions – juicy.

So what we have in the end. Another coffee stand. Collision Studios issued a gray, unfinished, deprived of interesting ideas, the further fate of which is very deplorable. Eight years ago Red Ocean And he could have won some fame, bringing good ladies from sales to his creators. Today, the game is absolutely uncompetitively capable. On what and we will solve.

Pros: more or less decent visual performance.
Cons: an obsolete gameplay, a freely dumb artificial intelligence, cranberry plot, lack of fresh ideas.